Sat Nav for the masses

5 06 2008

Now days ‘Sat Nav’  is almost as ubiquitous to the driver as the iPod is to the pedestrian . However, until recently, a decent model meant a hefty price tag. Until now that is. Introducing the all new C350BT from Binatone.


This new model combines a Sat Nav and bluetooth handsfree speaker phone at a price point that will undoubtedly attract the mainstream consumer market. The recommended retail price is just £99.99.


With a compact form factor and some state-of-the-art features this model offers specifications to match some of its more expensive rivals, such as the dominant player, TomTom.  


Hands free on the go

When connected wirelessly to a mobile phone, the sat nav screen turns automatically into a keypad and you can receive calls. It is also possible to dial out. 


We caught up with Adrian Greeen,Marketing Director, of Binatone who remarked; 

Although this is not the first system of its kind, we expect it to be the best priced on the high street. With a suggested retail price of £99.99. We want to encourage people to try the Bluetooth feature and use it as a 2 in 1 device.


The low down on the specs 

The model is wrapped up in a compact form factor and includes the latest Sirf Atlas III chipset – for fast satellite connection. 


It features Navigator 7.0 map software, which is both easy to use and offers a range features that you would only expect from a high – end device. These include; personal data management, advanced route planning and the ability to save and load pre-planned routes. 


As you would expect it also features both UK and Ireland maps ,(which can be updated for Europe if you wish), pre-installed safety camera locations and, for ease of address lookup, 7-digit post code search. 


You can also choose to view the maps in 3D or 2D when navigating. The model features an integrated rechargeable battery – to make charging simple. 


We hope to get a review unit to test. So watch this space for a full review soon.


Jason Monty 

Technology Correspondent